Wellington Walks- Route D
Limekiln Wood
The total length of this walk is approximately 5 miles (8 km), the length of the shorter alternative walk is approximately 3 miles (5 km).
This is Walk D on Wellington Town Council's double sided leaflet
Map of the route.
Map of the alternative route.
(GPX files can be downloaded from the above links too)
The apparently slightly odd deviations around the motorway bridge are due to losing satellite coverage- the routes go under the motorway.
The numbers on the routes are the approximate mile markers.
The Route
From the station ticket office take the road up towards W.H.Smith, turn left go through The Square, keeping to the left of the black and white building. Carry straight on up Tan Bank. Cross Victoria Road and continue through the pedestrian access into Tan Bank.
After about 30 metres take the brick footpath on the right. Cross the next road (Roseway) and take the footpath immediately opposite. Carry on past the allotments on your right and Sunnycroft (NT) on the left.
Cross Holyhead Road by the pelican crossing going ahead into Golf Links Lane. Continue to the bridge under the motorway and pass under the motorway.
Take the steps up to the signed path on the left. Take the first right turn, just past the edge of the golf course. Stay on the path, keeping the boundary on your left. Use the steps and do not go onto the open part of the golf course. Still keeping to the boundary, bear left to enter Limekiln Wood through a kissing gate. Keep on the main track until a major path comes in from the right at a way-mark post. [The alternative shorter walk below leaves here.]
The main walk is way-marked with red arrows until the golf club house is reached. Continue straight on along the path until you reach the houses at Steeraway. Go onto the main track, turn right through the gap and follow the path up, keeping straight on up the hill, ignoring any side paths. At the top, there is a kissing gate on the left, don't go through this. Keep to the path straight ahead. At the T-junction, take the farm track to the right down the hill. Towards the bottom of the hill, turn right between two rocks (this is also the Hutchison Way.) After about a mile, follow the path bearing left over the golf course, bear right onto a bridleway and follow the hedge dropping down to pass the golf club house on the left. By the golf club house, instead of following the Limekiln Wood Walk and the Hutchison Way to the right, follow the blue way-mark straight on to join the road from the club house further down which goes back down to Golf Links Lane. Retrace your steps to Wellington.
The total length of this walk is approximately 5 miles (8 km)
Shorter Alternative: At the way-mark post mentioned above, turn to the right. Following the way-marks (Hutchison Way), at the first post fork left and at the second post fork right. Turn to the right when a more definite path comes in from the left. This path will come to the approach road to the golf club, just below a wall. Turn right down the road until the motorway bridge is reached, then retrace your steps to Wellington.
The length of the shorter alternative walk is approximately 3 miles (5 km).
If you find any obstructions or problems on our local paths please tell us. We can't promise a speedy resolution, but the more evidence we have of problems, the more pressure we can exert.